mindful closet
online and remote anti-diet personal styling services
empowering women to be their authentic selves through their clothes
hey, I’m Dacy
I’m so glad you’re here. No matter your size or shape, you deserve (and can have) clothes that fit, feel good, and express your unique personal style.
my philosophy
I don't prescribe things for my clients or tell them that they need to buy a bunch of stuff. I ask questions and guide them so that they can uncover what their true desires are, apart from external messages they’ve been given about what they should wear. We work towards accepting our bodies as they are and seek to let go of harmful messages about the ideal standard of beauty.
I see clothing as the entry point for learning to listen to yourself about what you actually need.
Through my process, my clients are able to finally figure out what their style is without the restraints of outdated fashion rules.
I approach all of this through a feminist, anti-racist, and anti-diet lens, informed by intuitive eating principles and the Health At Every Size movement.
If you want to discover your authentic style, are overwhelmed by shopping, struggle with letting go of clothes that no longer work for you, or need help creating outfits from your closet, I can help.
ways to work together
starting at $997
Working together one-on-one is the most in depth way and effective to work together. we’ll work on your specific needs and issues and you’ll have my full expertise at your fingertips.
starting at $397
My group program, making space, is a more economical way to work together. we focus on all the topics I would focus on in one-on-one work, but in a supportive community of like minded humans.
starting at $37
My online courses are a great introduction to my philosophy and my approach to style. topics include defining your style, shopping mindfully, and travel packing.
I know that paid help isn’t accessible to everyone, so I’ve made sure that I have plenty of resources available at no cost.
schedule a free 15-minute call
I offer a free 15-minute clarity call so that we can check out each others’ vibes and share info about what you need and what I offer. There’s absolutely no commitment.
“Working with Dacy was one of the kindest things I have done for myself! In the last few years my body has changed in size and shape and I struggled to find clothes that I felt comfortable and cool in in my new larger body. With compassion and curiosity, Dacy helped me sort through my closet, taught me how to shop for my measurements, and introduced me to so many new brands that suited my aesthetic. Getting dressed has become easy and fun again!”
Laura Khoudari, author of Lifting Heavy Things
“Dacy helped me recognize deeply internalized limiting beliefs about my body, what I thought I ‘could’ or ‘should’ wear — and then we smashed them all to pieces. The process was liberating, cathartic and a hell of a lot of fun. I'm so grateful for Dacy's important work.”
Virginia Sole-Smith, author of Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture
“I entered my mid-60s flummoxed by style. Working with Dacy helped me understand how personal and political history influenced my staid classic wardrobe and how to tweak it to reflect my desired chic style. It was fun. It was enlightening. It was invaluable. It is ever so highly recommended.”
Anita Taylor, executive assistant