Making Space 

The Making Space group program helps women who’ve always felt dissatisfied with their clothes to feel at home in their own individual authentic style by processing the external expectations they’ve been operating under.

What you’ll get

  • weekly check-ins and exercises to complete

  • 12+ pre-recorded videos

  • access to an active community hosted on

  • answers to your specific questions each week in a recorded video. There is no live call you have to attend.

  • two live calls over the course of the 8 weeks. If you can make them, great, if not, no worries.

  • my take on your wardrobe challenges

What’s inside

The curriculum

Week 1: What is your style story?

Week 2: Defining your style

Week 3: Editing step-by-step

Week 4: Overcoming stumbling blocks

Week 5: Creating a shopping list

Week 6: Putting mindful shopping into practice

Week 7: Get help on your shopping list

Week 8: Reflection 

Making Space may be a little different than other style courses you’ve seen

We won’t learn arbitrary rules about how long to keep an item or when to get rid of it.

We’ll go gently into the reasons why holding on to clothing is a form of holding yourself to a previous life’s standards, or means that you haven’t accepted yourself as you are.

We won't talk about what to wear to flatter your body.

Prioritizing what’s flattering can prevent you from finding your own unique style. We’ll talk more about how you can prioritize your own comfort and aesthetic style over what others think about how you appear.

We won’t talk about what your best colors are.

We’ll talk about defining your style in an authentic way, the style that comes from within, not from rules imposed from outside expectations.

What People Are Saying

“I got politically informed style guidance, not an effort to sell me things.”

— making space participant

“Thinking about where we get our ideas about style so we could work through those and let go of some of them was great. The barriers to letting go of clothing were really helpful; I may know some of that intellectually but needed "permission" from an expert. How to evaluate companies and websites was so helpful. Also really great to have the community support and a place to talk about our thoughts, challenges, and needs in case someone else had an idea.”

— making space participant

“Making Space helped us recognize the unwritten rules we carry around that create body shame. It helped me with my efforts to work through the body grief I've experienced with aging. I feel free after getting rid of a lot of clothes I wasn't wearing and have a specific list of things I need to fill the gaps and have my own look that feels good.”

— making space participant

“This course has helped me in my process to accept the body I have and not hide it in baggier clothing than I really like, which I realized I was doing. It’s made it easier for me to say no to things I won’t feel happy in and identify the things I need to find that I’ll wear again and again. It’s been fun to give conscious thought to style and fashion in a way that helps me dress for who I am and what I do in my days.”

— making space participant

mindset shifts we work on in making space

Accept where you are in your body and your life.

Stop validating the story that bodies should never change.

Learn to listen to your inner voice

The one telling you when you feel good, the one that says "aaah, this is me".

Let go of thinking that getting dressed is hard.

It doesn't have to be complicated.

Allow yourself to wear the things that light you up.

Not just what you've been told you *should* wear because of the size or shape of your body.

Realize that you deserve clothes that fit and make you feel good

Women often put themselves and their needs last. It's a form of self care to make sure that you have clothes that bring you joy.

the details

The Making Space program includes videos, weekly workbooks, group support, and weekly recorded videos for 8 weeks.

The course is hosted in Thinkific. Each week, there is a video to watch, workbook exercises to complete, and homework for you to do. There will be a discussion group (not on Facebook) and a weekly recorded call answering your questions.

the schedule:

  • Friday: content is released

  • Saturday: discussion thread is posted

  • Tuesday: submit questions about the week’s content until end of day Thursday

  • Friday: I’ll record and release answers to your questions, as well as other guidance for the week

  • We’ll have two live meetings which are completely optional.

this version of Making Space is a fit for you if:

  • You’re used to communicating in online discussion groups like Slack, Discord, or even group texts. 

  • You can’t make a regularly scheduled weekly commitment. 

  • You’ve wanted to take Making Space in the past, but the scheduled time never worked for you. 

  • You want to get clarity around your style, edit your closet, and learn how to shop mindfully. 

the fee:

The cost is $797 for those who can subsidize another participant’s fee, $597 if you can only pay for yourself and $397 if you wouldn’t be financially able to participate otherwise. I can split fees into two payments.

kind words

  • "This course was a great opportunity to get clear on my preferences and style goals. As a woman in the midst of many transitions, this course offers a lot of opportunities to get personalized feedback and to challenge stereotypes. I loved that I gained so much awareness of how I want to present myself and some self acceptance along the way. Dacy is a gem and so positive and encouraging. I would recommend this course to anyone wanting to gain confidence and skill in the art of style on THEIR terms."


  • "I was able to gain confidence in the knowledge of what works for me. I removed clothing from my life that hasn't been serving me and removed the burden of sorting through wardrobe disappointments. I cannot recommend this course enough! It's truly freeing to have a closet that has clothes that I need and I have vetted every item. Making Space offers a great opportunity to hear about similar struggles, but I also learned from others' unique problems. There is a camaraderie working with other women who have been through different life stages and offer perspective. And support was needed when we came across hurdles that we couldn't get over on our own; the group validated the concerns and shared helpful mantras or work-throughs."


  • "This course offered me more than I expected. I gained important self-awareness about my shopping habits and current wardrobe; was able to refresh my style and focus my wardrobe on that style; and am now on a path for less spending, more intentional purchases and a wardrobe that brings me joy, with a style that fits me and I feel good in!"


  • "This course is not therapy. Yet, if you are anything like me you will come to its end feeling different about the skin you are in. I learned the value of my body, which means I came closer to appreciating my value as I am, in this moment, in this body, in this space. This course taught me how to clothe myself as I like, conferring only with me. I don't need or want permission from fashion influencers, diet culture, patriarchy, my dead mother, social media, or society at large. My body belongs only to me. This course has helped me flesh out my personal style and proudly wear it."


  • "This course connected me with a group of great women, empowered me to trust myself more and gave me resources to implement what I've learned. So much value here!"


  • “This course goes deep into the meaning of clothing in our lives, the relationship between body image and shopping, and the importance of finding one's authentic space. I cannot recommend it highly enough! Dacy is an outstanding facilitator, a supportive listener, and a wise counselor who will challenge you to trust your own instincts.”


✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • I totally get it. Sometimes you just can’t. But if something has always bugged you about getting dressed and you’re sick of ignoring that annoying voice in your head telling you what you should be wearing, it might actually free up some energy to work through that. How much more time and energy would you have if you didn’t feel self conscious about your clothes or what you look like?

  • Clothing can be an artistic outlet and form of expression. It’s not superficial to listen to your own needs and do everything in your power to feel the best that you can about yourself. If you can do that, only then will you have the capacity to help others.

  • It’s going to vary for everyone, but on average, you should be prepared to devote at least 1-3 hours a week to the work.

  • It’s tough not to feel some scarcity around all of our resources right now. However, how much money have you spent in the past on clothing that didn't work? If you do the work of figuring out what you really want and need to wear, you'll actually save money in the long run.

  • Nope. For this class, we’re going to focus a lot on the messages we’ve gotten from others about what we as women, women-identifying humans, and non-binary folk should be wearing, and we want to have a safe space for sharing.

  • All of the course content, including pre-recorded videos and PDF's, is broken down by week and hosted in Thinkific. Our discussion group meets in Circle. We usually have a couple of live meetings over Zoom.