The Making Space group program helps women who’ve always felt dissatisfied with their clothes to feel at home in their own individual authentic style by processing the external expectations they’ve been operating under.

You know you’re frustrated by getting dressed. You’ve tried every wardrobe guide and style book, but they haven’t made things easier for you. You’ve wondered what gene you’re missing that other women have that makes it so easy for them to be “pulled together”. 

What you haven’t stopped to consider is what you actually want to wear. You haven’t stopped to consider what you feel best in. This is because you’ve been getting messages all your life from others about what you should be wearing. Bottom line, it all comes down to the pressures and unrealistic standards women have been expected to conform to. Until you work through how those have manifested in your life, getting dressed won’t ever get easier.

There are very few spaces where women are given permission to actually talk about getting our bodies dressed: the frustrations, the grief, the logistical nightmare of it all. This is that space. Together, we meet weekly to define your style, edit your wardrobe, and learn how to shop, but mostly we meet to share our experience with others and see how much of it is shared *by* others. 

online size inclusive personal stylist

“This course goes deep into the meaning of clothing in our lives, the relationship between body image and shopping, and the importance of finding one's authentic space. I cannot recommend it highly enough! Dacy is an outstanding facilitator, a supportive listener, and a wise counselor who will challenge you to trust your own instincts.”



Making Space may be a little different than other style courses you've seen.

We’ll talk about how you’ve been made to think that your body is wrong because it doesn’t fit arbitrary standards decided by European men in the 15th century. We’ll talk about how to flip that script so that you see that your body is right and it’s the clothes that are wrong.

We won't talk about what to wear to flatter your body.

We’ll talk more about how you can prioritize your own comfort and aesthetic style over what others think about how you appear.

 “The absolute best thing Dacy did for me was that she made it about the clothes. It was never about my body”


We won’t learn arbitrary rules about how long to keep an item or when to get rid of it.

We’ll go gently into the reasons why holding on to clothing is a form of holding yourself to a previous life’s standards, or means that you haven’t accepted yourself as you are.

"I didn't realize how much time/energy I had been spending staring at my closet until I got it organized and also did some reflection on the clothes I have, why I have them, whether I should keep them, and what types of things I should bring into my closet in the future."


We won’t talk about what your best colors are.

We’ll talk about defining your style in an authentic way, the style that comes from within, not from rules imposed from outside expectations.

"Dacy's realistic, relevant, and accepting of each individual's personal styles, and helped me to identify my style-something I had never really thought about. I was skeptical of the group learning approach, and found it was the very best way to learn. My group was amazing and super fun."


You won't get a list of “must have” items for your closet.

We’ll look at the ways that capitalism has created our need for a constant stream of new clothing and how marketing exploits our feelings of unworthiness to get us to buy the latest trend.

"Dacy led us through this course with the perfect mix of tough love and gentle encouragement! The course is clearly designed, and you will be excited by what you already HAVE in your closet when you're done."


online personal styling course

"Making Space is a great course for anyone who wants to un-complicate their wardrobe. What I love about this course, and Dacy’s approach, is that it’s not about the clothes, it’s about you, the wearer in the clothes, and the life those clothes will be a part of. Since going through this process, I feel empowered to let go of the clothes that don’t serve me or my lifestyle, and I’m better equipped to figure out the hangups I have about what’s hanging in my closet."

- Cassie

the next group session will begin in summer 2024

the format

The Making Space program includes videos, a 30-page workbook, group support, and weekly live group calls for 8 weeks.

The course is broken into four modules, hosted in Thinkific. In each class, there is a video to watch, workbook exercises to complete, and homework for you to do in your closet. There will be a discussion group (not on Facebook) and a weekly live call.

the curriculum

Weeks 1 and 2 - Define your why, your style, and take inventory  

Weeks 3 and 4 - How to edit step-by-step and overcoming common stumbling blocks

Weeks 5 and 6 - Demystifying the shopping process 

Weeks 7 and 8 - Possibility of hot seats for individual members of the group 

online course for personal style

the group

In the group setting, you’ll have space to share your own frustrations (spoiler alert: you’re never the only one) and get my feedback on your specific situation because no one rule fits all. In addition, we'll meet weekly on a live zoom call where you can ask me about anything you're struggling with.

cost: $797


"I was able to gain confidence in the knowledge of what works for me. I removed clothing from my life that hasn't been serving me and removed the burden of sorting through wardrobe disappointments. I cannot recommend this course enough! It's truly freeing to have a closet that has clothes that I need and I have vetted every item.

Making Space offers a great opportunity to hear about similar struggles, but I also learned from others' unique problems. There is a camaraderie working with other women who have been through different life stages and offer perspective. And support was needed when we came across hurdles that we couldn't get over on our own; the group validated the concerns and shared helpful mantras or work-throughs."

- Emily


mindset shifts

Shift your thinking about your body and your clothes through the making space program


Accept where you are in your body and your life.

Stop validating the story that bodies should never change.


Learn to listen to your inner voice

The one telling you when you feel good, the one that says "aaah, this is me".


Let go of thinking that getting dressed is hard.

It doesn't have to be complicated.


Allow yourself to wear the things that light you up.

Not just what you've been told you *should* wear because of the size or shape of your body.


Realize that you deserve clothes that fit and make you feel good

Women often put themselves and their needs last. It's a form of self care to make sure that you have clothes that bring you joy.

online personal styling course

"Dacy creates a wonderful atmosphere to connect and share our wardrobe woes and questions with other women. I was not alone in this journey! Through her lead, the ultimate destination is feeling comfortable with what clothing I have decided to keep and what I may add in the future. With respect to shopping, I learned a great deal about how to shop online. This has helped me curb most of my impulse shopping! I realize I can think an item of clothing is great looking without the need to own it . . . hmmm - what a concept!"



in making space, along with mindset shifts,
we also deal with practical wardrobe issues

◇ How to identify unhealthy shopping patterns, shift your shopping behavior, and how to "do" ethical fashion (and what that even is).

◇ How to deal with transitional periods in your life (suddenly working from home, pregnancy and postpartum, career shifts) and the weight fluctuations that may accompany them (which is totally normal, btw).

◇ How to organize your closet to eliminate decision fatigue, which ultimately makes getting dressed easier.

online personal styling course

"This course (and Dacy!) helped me define my style, release unnecessary clothing, and shop with intent for clothes that make me feel confident. Dacy's expertise—her balanced compassion and directness—are invaluable! If you struggle with your wardrobe, your style, your shopping habits or just getting dressed, take this course. You won't regret it!"

- Kristen

online personal stylist

about me

I’m Dacy (it's like Stacy but with a D).

I'm a former classical musician who hated performing. I’m an introvert who loves people but hates talking on the phone. I love to eat but hate meal planning and I love to shop but hate spending money. 

I grew up in Mobile, Alabama, but have also lived in Portland, Houston, NYC, and Miami. I currently live in St. Louis with my husband and two little boys.

Unlike other personal stylists, I’m not going to tell you what the latest trends are and what to buy. My specialty is asking the questions that make you realize you already know what you want to wear, but you haven’t been listening to yourself because the voices around you are louder than yours.

You’ve been wearing things for all the wrong reasons, and you know it, but you need someone to call you on it. That's me.

I’ve helped hundreds of one-on-one clients and thousands of readers let go of the external messages they’ve been given about what they should wear and make way for a simpler, more authentic way of expressing their style.



  • I’ve had many clients who love clothes get lots of value out of working together. We get caught up in our own thoughts and patterns and need an outside perspective. Even coaches need coaches.

  • Nope, although you might be surprised by how flexible my definition of minimalism is. To me, minimalism is loving and using everything you own. Do you want to get to a place of loving and using all your clothes? If so, this course is for you.

  • I totally get it. Sometimes you just can’t. But if something has always bugged you about getting dressed and you’re sick of ignoring that annoying voice in your head telling you what you should be wearing, it might actually free up some energy to work through that. How much more time and energy would you have if you didn’t feel self conscious about your clothes or what you look like?

  • Clothing can be an artistic outlet and form of expression. It’s not superficial to listen to your own needs and do everything in your power to feel the best that you can about yourself. If you can do that, only then will you have the capacity to help others.

  • It’s going to vary for everyone, but on average, you should be prepared to devote at least 1-2 hours a week to the work.

  • You’ll get an email each week with a link to the course website, where you’ll be able to watch the week’s videos, download the correlating worksheets, and discuss the week's work with other participants.

  • I want to be able to communicate with every member of the class, so class size will be limited.

  • You can follow along with the group and have the exercises done by the time we discuss them, or you can go entirely at your own speed.

  • Nope. For this class, we’re going to focus a lot on the messages we’ve gotten from others about what we as women should be wearing, and we want to have a safe space for sharing.

  • It’s tough not to feel some scarcity around all of our resources right now. However, how much money have you spent in the past on clothing that didn't work? If you do the work of figuring out what you really want and need to wear, you'll actually save money in the long run.

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P.S. It’s more important than ever to acknowledge the ways white supremacy and patriarchy have created unreasonable standards for how we are expected to present ourselves, compare ourselves to each other, and achieve perfection. In Making Space, we’ll work through every aspect of your wardrobe through this lens.

I'm committed to building an anti-racist business. You can view my anti-racist small business plan here. Ten percent of ALL mindful closet profits (including those from this course) go towards Jamaa Birth Village, an equal access midwifery clinic dedicated to celebrating cultural heritage in a community care setting and combatting racial & health inequities.