I wore this over the weekend and felt both comfortable and put together.

click on photo for sources - these are not the items I own, just similar.

click on photo for sources - these are not the items I own, just similar.

All basics, plus the addition of a scarf. Easy.

A few other items of note:

If you would like some help with your wardrobe, shopping, or any other mindful closet services, hop on over to Sara's blog, Running from the Law, to see how I styled her Christmas photos and enter a giveaway for my services!

Any brides-to-be out there? I had a great time styling 12 brides, 2 grooms, and 2 bridesmaids with dresses, suits, accessories, jewelry, and shoes for the ALIVE Bride show. The show was presentation style, with three distinct looks: The Rustic Wedding, The Non-Traditional Wedding, and the Traditional Wedding. You can see photos here.

I have a new favorite blog, per Lindsay's recommendation: The Veda House. Cassie is a St. Louis based graphic designer and photo stylist. I love the aesthetic of her blog and her home, as well as her honesty about the ups and downs of making a freelance career doing something you love.

Happy almost weekend, y'all!