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dacy gillespie

online personal stylist, owner of mindful closet


dacy gillespie

online personal stylist, owner of mindful closet

Here’s what I need you to know - It’s not about the clothes. It’s about showing up in the world the way you want to show up.

It’s more important than ever to acknowledge the ways white supremacy and the patriarchy have created unreasonable standards for how we are expected to present ourselves, compare ourselves to each other, and achieve perfection. The result is spending energy on things that make us feel bad about ourselves, instead of realizing that getting dressed can be something that’s simple and leaves our energy for more important things.

No matter your size or shape, you deserve (and can have!) clothes that fit, make you feel good, and express your unique personal style.

I provide style help to women who’ve always felt uncomfortable in their clothes and who want to uncover their authentic style. We process and release the societal constructs they’ve been operating under through online personal styling services. I use principles of intuitive eating and Health At Every Size in my work.

My clients learn to listen to what it is they really want to wear and look like, without the influence of their mothers, society, or fashion magazines.

In my experience, stripping away all the stuff they feel like they *should* be doing reveals that what they actually need is very little, and they can get off the hamster wheel of mindless consumption and let go of the stuff that no longer fits their body or who they are today.

I truly believe that letting go of what’s unnecessary and buying only what we’ll use and love can be the catalyst for so much positive change (and yes, the change I’m referring to goes far beyond our closets). 

Want to hear more? Get my tips on how to:


Worked though all those and need more help? Check out the Making Space course, a self-paced online course that leads you through the exact process I use with my in-person clients to get them to a place of loving everything in their wardrobe. If you want to get my style help one-on-one, all that info is here.

online personal styling services

as featured in

Here are a few of my favorite blog posts to help you reconsider the way you’ve been taught to show up in the world:

did you know? - your body will keep changing and that’s NORMAL

who said outfits need to be different every day?

and you don’t have to define your waist if you don’t want to

have you ever thought about why “flattering” is the priority?

why I’m minimalist (spoiler alert: it has to do with anxiety and depression) 

why you can’t be minimalist without working on body acceptance

do you allow yourself to take up space?   

is your closet for you or a past self?

my constant rebalancing of work and life

wondering why my business is called mindful closet?



mindful closet is committed to racial equity. Go here to read the mindful closet anti-racist small business plan.




mindful closet is an online personal styling service serving clients worldwide


minimalist remote virtual personal stylist

Want my style help? I offer online personal styling and personal shopping services, online style and shopping workshops, and a signature online course called Making Space.

About me

I’m a former classical musician turned personal stylist and minimalist. My pronouns are she/her.

I’m an introvert, a highly-sensitive person, an obliger, an INFJ, a Human Design projector, an empath, and a Cancer. While all that means that I’m constantly overwhelmed by emotion and sensory overload, it also means that I’m super-intuitive about seeing what’s going on with other people and super-empathetic, which comes in handy when clients have to get vulnerable with me.

I’m on a mission to help women stop wasting time and energy on getting dressed because they’re trying to conform into a way of dressing or buying that doesn’t work for them, and actually, has actively been working to make them feel bad about themselves. My work has been featured in Forbes, Real Simple, and Lifehacker, and I’ve been a guest on over 50 podcasts.

I got here because of years of experimentation and frustration figuring out my own wardrobe. After buying hundreds of items I didn’t need or didn’t like. Years of feeling like I didn’t measure up, and didn’t have the “right” thing. I finally paid attention to my inner voice and when it was screaming that it was uncomfortable, and started only wearing the things that made it sigh in relief. 

Around the same time, I started listening more closely to that same voice and realized that it was telling me the work I was doing wasn’t for me. The pace of life I’d been living wasn’t for me. Listening to myself about clothes led to me listening to myself about how I wanted to live. About the work I wanted to do. Listening to myself about what felt good has helped me accept my changing body through aging and growing and shrinking to grow two humans. Listening to and trusting myself has allowed me to let go of all the things I bought because surely I could “make it work” and helped me learn when I can walk away from buying more of those things.  I still have to work hard to hear myself through the noise. But I practiced by listening to myself about what to wear. 

Can I give you styling tips, closet organization tips, shopping tips? Sure. And I will. But if you choose to stick around here, you need to know it’s about more than the clothes.

Keep up with my current thoughts on Instagram and sign up to get my weekly emails.


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